The Gift

The bond that we share with our animal companions is one of unconditional love and devotion. The life lessons they share with us are simple and yet profound, be present, live in the moment, greet each morning with joy and wonder, maintain your curiosity, and enjoy all the sights and smells that come your way. Quite naturally they experience their emotions in perfect balance with ease and grace. There is no space for worry about the past, fear of death, anger over a perceived slight, sadness related to loss, or trying to be something they are not. These are just a few of the lessons they share and model during their brief time with us.

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The Healing Power of a Bereavement Support Group

“When we are in tune with the Infinite, we shall see the Invisible”
We are an animal loving community. On any given day, regardless of weather, people can be found enjoying nature with their beloved animal companions. The health, comfort and wellbeing of our pets is one of our top priorities and in return they provide unconditional love and acceptance. The relationships we share with our pets are special and unique filled with joy and a deep emotional connection.

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”We are never alone, they are all still here. Everyone just comes in closer when it is time to leave your body.” Lucy

It has been almost a year since my dearest Penny peacefully passed away with those present who knew and loved her best. Her last week with us was intense, emotional, and magical. It was a precious and life altering experience. During that week we lived in that place between life and death, heaven and earth, always in the moment. There was no future or past, just NOW where emotions are real

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2 Day Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Class with Horses

I will be teaching a 2 day Jin Shin Jyutsu self help class in Reno, September 9th and 10th. On the first day we will learn about Jin Shin Jyutsu and how we can help ourselves using Self Help Book 1. On the second day we will take these flows out to the horses.

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Paws on Parade

Look for us on Saturday May 28th, 2016 at Paws on Parade, in Graeagle, California from 10 to 3. This is an annual fund raising event hosted by High Sierra Animal Rescue.

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